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Essex County Housing Report April 2020

Month Over Month: For all categories, Unit Sales were up and Months of Inventory fell.   

Median Prices rose for Condos and Multies but fell for Singles.   

Year Over Year: For all categories, Median Prices were up , Unit Sales were down and Inventory fell    
Mortgage Interest rates remain low and MA Unemployment is at a record low.
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Essex County Housing Report March 2020

March 2020 Housing Report: 

Month Over Month: Unit Sales and Active Listings were down for all categories.
Prices rose for Singles and Condo but fell for Multies.   
Year Over Year: Prices were up for all categories.  Unit Sales were down for Singles and Multies and were up for condos.  
Active Listings were down double digit for all catagories.  
Mortgage Interest rates remain low and MA Unemployment is at a record low.
To view data for every Essex County town, go to: 

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Essex County Housing Report February 2020

February 2020 Housing Report: 

Month Over Month: Unit Sales and Active Listings were down double digit for all categories.
Prices rose for Singles and Multies but fell for Condos.   
Year Over Year: Prices were up for all categories.  Unit Sales were down for Singles and Multies and were flat for condos.  
Active Listings were down double digit for all catagories.  
Mortgage Interest rates remain low and MA Unemployment is at a record low.
To view data for every Essex County town, go to: 

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Essex County Annual Housing Report 2019 vs 2018 vs 2017

Essex County Annual Housing Report, 2019 vs 2018 vs 2017 

2019 vs 2018: Prices were up for Single Families, Condos and Multi-Family.  Unit Sales were up for Singles and Condos and Inventory was down to flat for all.  
2019 vs 2017: Prices were up for Single Families, Condos and Multi-Family.  Unit Sales were up for Singles and Inventory was down for all categories.
Mortgage Interest rates remain low and MA Unemployment was a record low 2.9%.

To view data for every Essex County town, go to: 

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Essex County Q4 Housing Report 2019

Q4, 2019 Housing Report:

Quarter Over Quarter: Unit Sales and Inventory were down for all categories;  Prices were down for SF, and MF and Up for  CC.
Year Over Year: Unit Sales were Mixed, Prices were Up and Inventory was down for all categories
Mortgage Interest rates and MA Unemployment remain very low.

To view data for every Essex County town, go to: 

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Essex County Housing Report January 2020

January 2020 Housing Report:

Month Over Month: Unit Sales were Up and Inventory was down for all categories;  Prices were down for SF,  flat for CC and Up for MF.  
Year Over Year: Unit Sales were Up, Prices were Up and Inventory was down for all categories
Mortgage Interest rates and MA Unemployment remain very low.

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Essex County Housing Report December 2019

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National Association Of Realtors 2020 Housing Forecast


NAR 2020 Housing Forecast in 4 Pictographs.

For full article go to






Essex County Housing Report October 2019

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Essex County Housing Report September 2019

To view data for every Essex County town, go to: 

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