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Apartment Vacancy Rate Drops to 4.7% in Q2, a 10 Year Low, and Rents Rise

 Rents Increase As Vacancies Dry Up

Wall Stree Journal:

Apartment Vacancy Rate falls to 4.7% in Q2

by Bill McBride on 7/05/2012 01:20:00 AM 

Reis reported that the apartment vacancy rate (82 markets) fell to 4.7% in Q2 from 4.9% in Q1 2012. The vacancy rate was at 5.9% in Q2 2011 and peaked at 8.0% at the end of 2009.

From Reuters: US apartment rents rise at highest rate since '07 -Reis

Renting an apartment in the U.S. became even more expensive during the second quarter, as vacancies set a new 10-year low and rents rose at a pace not seen since before the financial crisis, according to real estate research firm Reis Inc. ...

The average U.S. vacancy rate of 4.7 percent was the lowest since the fourth quarter of 2001 ...

Asking rents jumped to $1,091 per month, 1 percent higher than the first quarter and the biggest increase since the third quarter of 2007. Excluding special perks designed to lure tenants, like months of free rent, the average effective rent rose 1.3 percent to $1,041.

"The improvement in rents is pretty pervasive," said Ryan Severino, Senior Economist at Reis.

This graph shows the apartment vacancy rate starting in 2005.

Reis is just for large cities, but this decline in vacancy rates - and increase in rents - is happening just about everywhere.